Saturday, January 24, 2009

I want to blog more...

I just have to take a minute to say that I want to blog LOTS more!!! My problem is that I get on the computer and I think..let me just check FaceBook real quick...hahaha real QUICK!!! FaceBook is an obsession!!! Its a swirling vortex arent getting anything else done once you get on it!!!

So I am going to try to blog first...Face Book after...

Wish me luck!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

365 days......

Today is our 365Th day of this deployment!!! One year...12 months...365days...53 weeks...8766 hours and 525948 minutes. Birthdays...Holidays...Going to school for the first time..Loosing Teeth. The list could go on for days. Ive said it before, no matter how hard I think that this deployment is on me, being a geographical single mudder, I couldn't do it on his end. At the end of the day I still get my "hug and kiss and SQUEEEEEZE' from my kids.
James and I have both grown so much as people this last year. The changes are really amazing.
In a recent email to his dad James wrote "It is a historic time and it is very rewarding to see the Iraqi government standing up. I think it was a great thing to see that journalist throw his shoe at President Bush. Not because I don’t like the President, but because it demonstrates the fact the he CAN do that. Eight or ten years ago, the man would have been shot on the spot and his family killed and tortured to death. Now, people can exercise their freedoms much greater." This one simple statement made this last year worth while. Not only because it shows the progress that has been made in Iraq but because of the progress that has been made with in James. I am unbelievably proud of him for seeing the positives in this difficult time. He gives so selflessly because being a soldier is who James is. I am also proud of my kids for being able to see the need for the American Soldier and being so proud of their daddy.

If your loved ones are close by then give them a tight hug and appreciate that our family is apart, so that yours can be together...and MOST days we don't resent it one little bit!! :)

It looks like we have just around 80 days ( not specifically...have to be a little discreet, right?) I am eager to have him home again so that this void can be filled by reuniting the four of us! We cant wait to be a family again!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Miss Paige

Well, again inspired my cousin, Kara, I thought I should post about the little princess who lives here. Miss Paige Elizabeth makes me smile and laugh everyday. She is so funny. She says the funniest things!!! She also makes me SO mad and frustrated. All of this can happen within five minutes. Like my cousin, I honestly don't know how to handle her. She is not at all concerned with the threat of a spanking, time out, or any other kind of punishment. She doesn't care if you reprimand her. Most of the time she talks back to that anyway. If you say, for example, Don't talk to me like that...she will reply , No, YOU don't talk to ME that way!?!?!?!?! This makes it sounds as though I don't try and that is NOT the case. Nothing phases her. one thing that really bugs is that in the last week or so she calls me, Mudder! I HATE that. I feel like she is saying mother like she is talking down to me!! SHE THREE!!!

At the same time, she says she loves me ALL the time. At least three times a day she says "you are the best mom (or Mudder) EVER!!! she gives LOTS of hugs and the girl just cracks me up!! She has an amazing imagination, and i love to watch her play dress up! Most of the time if anyone asks her what her name is, her reply is "Cinderella"!!!On Friday we were leaving to go out for ice cream and I told her to go potty...about a minute later she comes running around the corner with her underwear on her head yelling "chonie face!!! Chonie face!!"(chonies is what we call underwear) her little face was sticking out of one of the leg holes...Ethan and I laughed SO hard!!! She is so curious, always asking questions...
I know this sounds weird too but I swear she communicates with my mom. She talks about her Nana..ALL THE TIME!!! My mother had been gone NINE years before Paige was born. One time out of the blue she even said to me "my nana puts me to sleep sometimes!! And when we are in Michigan she started talking about her "grandma Betsy" ..That was my dads mom who passed away in 86 (I think), I have no idea where she got that. She is a little creepy sometimes

I swear ...this girl is my penance for all the wrong I have done or ever will do....ofcourse some call that the "mothers curse" haha!
But all that being said I love her SOOOOO much and really there isnt a whole lot I would change about her or she wouldnt be my Piage

Im Going To Try This Out

I have recently been inspired by my awesome cousins. Kara has been blogging for a while now. Even though we don't get to talk very often, I love to watch what her cute family is up to!! Her sister Jenna and I made a promise that we would get on board too. I made the page I just haven't done alot with it.... I am lazy when it comes to learning the layouts and other stuff...

Well it is a a new year!! I am excited for 2009! It is the year that my family will finally get to be all together again. We are on the tail end of 15 month deployment. Just over three months to go!!! We got to spend 18 days together in September and it was an amazing time! It was also just long enough to make you mad!!! Don't get me wrong. I am really grateful that we got to see him at all. I certainly couldn't do what he does. I couldn't go 15 days with out my kiddos let alone 15 months!!! This deployment has been good in alot of ways. I have always felt like I needed to have lots of people around me, I can see now how great it is to be alone or just be with the kids. I feel like I have a tendency to invest my time in the wrong people. Not really people who are bad influences but the ones who probably aren't going to be around in a move or two. I am trying to focus on really enjoying my little family of four. Deployment has certainly taught me that i cant get this time back!!!

So I will start blogging regularly and letting the world know what our new adventures are!!!!